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Chicago’s Top Criminal Defense Lawyer Michael Leonard discusses potential Madigan verdict on WGN’s Let’s Get Legal on January 11, 2025

by | Jan 12, 2025 | Firm News

Chicago’s Top Criminal Defense Lawyer Michael Leonard discusses potential Madigan verdict on WGN’s Let’s Get Legal on January 11, 2025. Mike Leonard appeared on Jon Hansen’s “Let’s Get Legal” on WGN radio 720 this past Saturday. Mike gave his insight and prediction as to the potential verdict by the jury in the lengthy and still on-going Mike Madigan trial in federal court in Chicago.

Mike believes that the jury will find Mr. Madigan not guilty. He believes that Mr. Madigan’s defense counsel made a strong move by putting Mr. Madigan on the stand to testify. Mike explains to Jon and the listeners that, by testifying, Mr. Madigan has been able to connect to the jury, including by way of getting into his own back story, including his youth, his early jobs, his work ethic, and even his relationship with his parents. He has also, of course, been able to address, head on, the allegations against him – including those involving alleged corruption and bribery.

Mike and Jon also fielded a great variety of questions from the WGN listeners, including among others: how a trial lawyer prepares for a trial in another jurisdiction, including gathering intelligence on the jury pool and the Judge assigned to the case. and they discussed the difference in the Michigan and Indiana cannabis laws.

Have a listen at the link below, or go to the Let’s Get Legal website by Googling it:

Matthew Chivari

January 12, 2025

Leonard Trial Lawyers